Hi, John!
Welcome to your VeraVis Client Portal
Your portal is a one-stop-shop that includes everything you need to successfully schedule, complete, and understand two powerful assessments, the Individual Directions Inventory (IDI) Assessment and the EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment.
The IDI and the EQ-i 2.0 assessment tools will likely prove critical in increasing your own self-awareness as a leader, ultimately helping you become an even more focused, clear, and authentic version of yourself — both at work and at home.
Individual Directions Inventory: provides leaders with profound insights regarding the often subconscious preferences, motivations, values, and drivers behind their actions.
EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment: explores leadership through the lens of emotional intelligence, which has the most significant impact on one’s success as a leader. More info about each of these assessments is included in this portal.
The process for taking and understanding the assessments is outlined below. Importantly, after you take each assessment, you will have the opportunity to receive a confidential, one-on-one debrief with Ty Moore, an executive coach.
During the debrief, Ty will provide you with an overview of the assessment; help you better understand and interpret the information in your assessment report; and answer any questions you may have about your results.
After you have completed both assessments and debriefs, during the final stage of the process, you will receive a Customized Growth Plan template, which you can fill out using your assessment results and insights.
Your assessment answers and results will be held in the strictest confidence. Your report will be made available to you, and Ty is the only other person who will see your results or be able to access them. Additionally, Ty promises to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information, written or verbal, that you provide before, after, and during your assessment debriefs.
Schedule Debriefs
Take assessments
Review results
Attend debriefs
Complete Customized Growth Plan